Friday, April 27, 2007
All MEDC Priorities Still Alive with 3 Weeks To Go!
House Bill 327, the omnibus economic development bill, will have a conference committee meeting next week. We have been working closely with the bill sponsor, Rep. Ron Richard, and the bill's Senate handler, Senator John Griesheimer, on details of various parts of the bill. The Senate version of the bill contained several undesirable provisions, including a change in the "nexus" standard proposed by one business group that would allow out-of-state companies to unfairly compete with Missouri businesses without incurring tax liability in the state. Objections from other business groups and state officials have led to the removal of this unfair provision from the final deliberations. The final legislation will be determined by the conference committee and must be approved by both the House and Senate. As presently drafted, the annual cap on the Quality Jobs program would increase from $12 million to $30 million and the annual tax credit limit on the Enhanced Enterprise Zone program would increase from $7 million to $25 million. Our small business development legislation originally sponsored by Rep. Doug Ervin is also contained in HB 327. And a provision that would allow Missouri to better compete for manufacturing jobs by exempting from sales tax all utilities and other inputs used in manufacturing is also included. A similar exemption exists in Kansas and several other states. That exemption may also be found in SB 30 (sponsored by Senator Gary Nodler and handled in the House by Rep. Bryan Stevenson) and HB 131 (sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper and handled in the Senate by Senator Jason Crowell).
MEDC's exemption for local governments that are participating in Chapter 100 arrangements was included in a committee substitute for SB 582 by Rep. Mike Sutherland. The bill was approved by the House committee and will now be sent to the House floor for further debate. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Wes Shoemyer.
The MEDC thanks the sponsors and handlers of these pieces of legislation for their hard work and for making economic development a true priority of the 2007 legislative session.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Chapter 100 and Manufacturing Inputs Sales Tax Exemptions Advance
MEDC continues to work with Rep. Ron Richard, Sen. John Griesheimer, the Missouri Department of Economic Development, and others on the compromise language for House Bill 327. The bill is now the omnibus economic development bill containing Quality Jobs, Enhanced Enterprise Zones, and the manufacturing utility sales and use tax exemption.
Also this week, the Senate Committee on Ways and Means heard House Bill 131, containing the manufacturing inputs sales tax exemption and the Chapter 100 sales tax exemption. That bill is sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper and will be handled in the Senate by Sen. Jason Crowell. The bill is also in good position for passage this session.
Please contact your legislators and let them know you support SB 30, HB 327 and HB 131! If you need to find your legislator, please use the "Legislator Lookup" link at the upper right hand corner of this page.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
MEDCode and Regional Economic Development District Bill Moves Forward
There were no amendments and the bill was approved on a unanimous vote. Thanks to Randy Allen, President of Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce and MEDC Public Policy Chairman, for appearing in person at the hearing and to those writing letters of support: Shellby Hendee, Development Director, City of Cameron and Kathy Morgan, Economic Development Director, City of Albany.
The bill will now be considered by the full Senate. The MEDC thanks sponsors Rep. David Pearce, Rep. Darrell Pollock, and Senate handler Sen. Chris Koster, for their support of this legislation.
In other action, the Senate Ways and Means Committee today heard testimony on HB 131 which contains a sales tax exemption for manufacturing inputs and a sales tax exemption for cities leasing or selling property acquired through Chapter 100 projects. The Committee took no action on the bill at today's hearing. HB 131, sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper will be handled in the Senate by Senator Jason Crowell.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone Bill Continues to Advance

(April 16, 2007) A key committee in the Missouri Senate today gave its approval to allow HB 327 to advance. The Missouri Senate followed suit and approved the final motion on the bill. As anticipated, the House refused to concur in the Senate position and asked the Senate for a conference on the legislation, which was granted. The contents of the bill will now be determined by a conference committee made up of five Senators and five Representatives. Once they have reached consensus, the compromise bill must be approved again by both the House and the Senate. The Senate conferees are: Senators Griesheimer, Koster, Crowell, Callahan, and Kennedy. The House conferees have yet to be appointed (probably sometime tomorrow).
This is the first of our priority bills to reach this stage in the process this year and we are very thankful to Rep. Ron Richard and Sen. John Griesheimer and leadership in the House and Senate for continuing to make this legislation a priority.
For more information on the bill, click here.
Senate Committee to Hear MEDC Priority Legislation
The Senate Economic Development, Tourism and Local Government Committee will hear MEDC's priority legislation HB 741, containing both the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District legislation on Wednesday, April 18, at 1:30 p.m. in the Senate Lounge (3rd floor, West side of the Capitol). We want to be respectful of the committee’s time and ask MEDC members to send written testimony to me to give to the committee on behalf of your organization. This will put your organization on record in support of the bill without having to make the trip to
Chairman of the Senate Economic Development, Tourism and Local Government Committee
MEDC wishes to thank Rep.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Senate Gives Initial Approval to Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone Legislation
The bill includes a Land Assemblage Tax Credit for redevelopment of urban areas and increases the Quality Jobs tax credit limit to $30 million. The Enhanced Enterprise Zone tax credit limit would be increased to $25 million. The bill also contains a provision that would exempt all manufacturing inputs from sales and use taxes, making Missouri competitive with states like Kansas that already offer such an exemption. A report was just released on the impact of the manufacturing inputs sales tax exemption which you may view by visiting and selecting the "Reports" tab on the left side of the screen. You will also find a report showing the state receives $3.18 in taxes for each tax dollar invested in the Missouri Quality Jobs program at the same location.
The Senate Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee must review and approve the bill before it faces a final vote in the Senate. If approved, the bill will be returned to the House where it is expected the bill will be sent to "conference" for further negotiations. Rep. Ron Richard and Sen. John Griesheimer are leading the charge on this bill in each of their respective chambers and the Missouri Economic Development Council thanks them for their hard work in carrying this important legislation.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
House Gives Final Approval to More MEDC Priorities
HB 741 contains the Missouri Economic Development Code and MEDC's Regional Economic Development District legislation. The Regional Economic Development District legislation was originally sponsored by Rep. Darrell Pollock, who added the provisions to HB 741 during debate on the bill last night. HB 131 contains the sales tax exemption for cities participating in Chapter 100 projects and the exemption of manufacturing inputs from sales and use taxes. The Chapter 100 and manufacturing inputs provisions were also included in a House committee substitute for SB 30 by Rep. Bryan Stevenson, Chairman of the House Tax Reform Committee.
Sen. John Griesheimer and Rep. Ron Richard continue to negotiate and prepare for Senate debate of HB 327, the Missouri Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone legislation, which could be debated as early as next week. Click here for the Senate Committee Substitute language.
The Missouri Economic Development Council thanks all those involved in moving our legislative agenda forward and encourages our members to communicate your support for these bills to your Senator and Representative. If you need contact information for your elected official, you may click on "Legislator Lookup" at right.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
(Wednesday, April 4, 2007) Thanks to the commitment of leadership in the House, all of the Missouri Economic Development Council’s legislative priority issues have received initial approval in the Missouri House! This is an extraordinary accomplishment given the number of priority issues and the complexity of some of our issues. The MEDC thanks the sponsors of each of the bills and leadership for devoting considerable floor time to our economic development legislation so far this session. Leading the charge in the House:
Our highest priority bills contain increases in the tax credit limits for the Missouri Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone programs and an extension of the New Jobs Training Program. The Senate version of the legislation also contains a land assemblage tax credit. The House bill passed the House with a complete removal of the tax credit limits. The Senate committee changed the tax credit limits to $30 million for Quality Jobs and $25 million for Enhanced Enterprise Zones. The Senate Committee Substitute for HCS HB 327, sponsored by Rep. Ron Richard, has been approved by the Senate committee and the bill is on the Senate calendar. The Senate committee’s 134 page version of the bill includes several additional issues: disabled tax credit for home modification, new markets tax credits, film production tax credits, a vocational school taxing district for southeast
Two more priority issues, the Missouri Economic Development Code, HB 741, sponsored by Rep. David Pearce and the Missouri Regional Economic Development District bill, HB 688, sponsored by Rep. Darrell Pollock, were combined during House floor debate. The bill received initial House approval on April 4, 2007.
The Missouri Regional Economic Development Districts bill was also heard in the House committee and was approved as part of a committee substitute for HB 624, sponsored by Rep. Larry Wilson. This bill has also been cleared for debate by the full House.
Another top legislative priority is our sales tax exemption for cities involved in Chapter 100 projects. HB 130, sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper, has been approved by the
The Small Business Growth Act, HCS HB 365, 804 & 805 received initial House approval this week. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Doug Ervin, contains MEDC’s Quality Jobs Lite legislation allowing smaller employers to reap benefits similar to the Quality Jobs program when adding new employees. The committee substitute also contains two other tax credits designed to stimulate investments in small businesses: the Small Business Investment Tax Credit and Missouri Technology Corporation Tax Credit. The bill now faces one additional vote and then it will be sent to the Senate for further debate.
As we noted in earlier posts, HB 131, sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper, would allow economic developers to promote
Following is a brief synopsis of the status of MEDC supported or tracked legislation. You may find more information on these issues in earlier posts below and also in the “Blog Archive”, or you may click the link for each bill.
Bill Number(s) | Description | Status |
Allows Rural Empowerment Zones in counties with 16,000 or fewer inhabitants | PASSED HOUSE – REFERRED TO SENATE COMMITTEE | |
Provides additional film production tax credits | HOUSE PERFECTION CALENDAR | |
Tax credit for state sales tax paid on | HOUSE INITIALLY APPROVED | |
Sales tax exemption for contractors performing contracts with MoDOT | HOUSE PERFECTION CALENDAR | |
Tax credits for donations to regional economic development organizations | CLEARED FOR FULL HOUSE DEBATE | |
Eliminates the Corporation Income Tax for the first five years of a new manufacturer’s existence in | PASSED HOUSE COMMITTEE – REFERRED TO RULES COMMITTEE | |
Tax increment financing law revision | SENATE PERFECTION CALENDAR | |
Sales tax exemption for contractors performing contracts with MoDOT | PASSED SENATE - AWAITING COMMITTEE REFERRAL IN HOUSE | |
Extends the sunset date for the Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund | PASSED SENATE – PASSED HOUSE COMMITTEE – REFERRED TO RULES COMMITTEE | |
Includes the Lewis & Clark Discovery Initiative (financed through the sale of MOHELA assets) | SENATE INFORMAL PERFECTION CALENDAR | |
Provides additional film production tax credits | SENATE INFORMAL PERFECTION CALENDAR | |
Constitutional amendment to allow tax relief for economic development purposes | REFERRED TO SENATE COMMITTEE |
You may also find additional bills of interest by clicking here. For more information on this or other economic development legislation, please contact