Monday, May 12, 2008


PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE TODAY! Use the "Legislator Lookup" at right to find your legislators and call today.

We are in danger of the economic development bills not passing if you fail to make calls. This means our ability to use the Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone programs is in danger. Please make the call today and ask them to pass HB 2058 (Rep. David Pearce) or SB 718 (Sen. Harry Kennedy). It is crucial you make your call as soon as possible because the session adjourns on Friday.

Also, please call ALL of the following legislative leaders of the House and Senate:

Speaker of the House Rod Jetton 573-751-5912
President Pro Tem Mike Gibbons 573-751-2853
House Speaker Pro Tem Bryan Pratt 573-751-8636
Senate Majority Floor Leader Charlie Shields 573-751-9476
House Majority Floor Leader Steve Tilley 573-751-1488

The fate of the economic development bill firmly rests in our ability to make this bill a priority for the legislators and we need your help.

Thank you for all you do to advance economic development in your communities and in the state!