Committee chairs were appointed during the second week of the 2007 Legislative Session, and committee members were also named in the Missouri Senate. Selection of House members for appointment to the various committees is not expected to be completed for another week or so.
In the House...
Rep. Ron Richard was re-appointed Chairman of the House Committee on Job Creation and Economic Development, the committee likely to consider most economic development legislation MEDC will be promoting or tracking this session. In addition, Rep. Richard will sponsor or co-sponsor many pieces of MEDC priority legislation for 2007.

Rep. Doug Ervin was again appointed Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business and will sponsor our Small Business and Entrepreneurial Growth Act and other bills important to small and growing businesses.

Rep. Vicki Schneider was appointed Chairperson of the House Committee on Local Government, a committee that considered the TIF reform bills last session and will likely consider any such bills during the 2007 session, along with other bills dealing primarily with local government issues.
Listen to the press announcement or print the full list of committee chairs from House Communications:
House Committees AudioAll House Committee Chair AppointmentsAnd in the Senate...
Senator John Griesheimer will again serve as Chairman of the Senate Economic Development, Tourism and Local Government Committee. In addition to considering nearly all economic development issues, Senator Griesheimer's committee will likely handle any TIF reform legislation.

The Senate Small Business, Insurance and Industrial Relations Committee will again be chaired by Senator John Loudon.
For more information, follow this link:
All Senate Committee Appointments