The bill contains the elements listed in the articles below, including the Missouri Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone program increases, extension of the New Jobs Training program, New Markets tax credits, and other programs important to economic developers across the state.
The bill has been set for hearing before the Special Committee on Job Creation and Economic Development for noon on August 21, followed by a hearing in the House Rules Committee, chaired by Rep. Shannon Cooper. The Rules Committee determines whether the floor debate on the bill should be limited to a certain amount of time or unlimited. If approved by both committees, the bill will likely be taken up for debate by the full House on Thursday, August 23. The Senate is expected to take up the bill next week.
If you value the Quality Jobs and Enhanced Enterprise Zone programs, please use the "Legislator Lookup" link at right to find your state senator and state representative and send them a note or give them a call letting them know you need the economic development bill to pass during the Special Session.
The Special Session will likely conclude within two weeks.